Shopping My Stash Part 1 - Hair & Skin Care

As it is getting towards the end of the month, and pay day is still a whole week away, I thought that I would satisfy my need for more beauty products by shopping my existing stash. I have seen this particular activity feature on blogs quite a lot and I always love seeing what unloved products people have lying around, so I thought that I would do the same. I don't know about you, but I seem to gain an awful lot of hair and skin care from either beauty boxes or gift sets, and I always seem to neglect to use them all. I have mounds of shower gels, body lotions and facial moisturisers stacking up in my bathroom that are gathering dust, so it's time to get these used.

No7 Beautiful Skin Hot Cloth Cleanser

I got this in a No7 gift set after Christmas in the half price Boots sale. This came in a set with a day cream, night cream, eye makeup remover, muslin cloth and a headband for when you're having some much needed pampering. I must admit that I have only used this once and really enjoyed it at the time, but it has become lost among all my other facial cleansers and face masks. The idea is that you use this with the muslin cloth that came in the gift set, and it truly provides a nice relaxing experience. I remember my skin being really soft and clean afterwards, so I'm definitely looking forwards to using this again.

Soap & Glory Clean On Me Shower Gel

Again, I got this in a gift set in the Boots sale with a few other small sized Soap & Glory products for £5. I adore the smell of Soap & Glory so had to snap this gift set up, however I haven't got round to using this yet. I got a lot of  lovely gift sets for Christmas this year so trying to prioritise what to use first was a bit of an issue! I've been loving the Soap & Glory Righteous Butter at the minute so I'm really excited about using this too. You can't fault the quality of Soap & Glory, and my advice is to pick some gift sets up in the next half price Boots sale.

Sanctuary Spa Body Butter

This came in a Sanctuary Spa gift set that I got for Christmas the year before last with 2 other body butters. I didn't even realise that I'd had these body butters sitting unused in my bathroom for so long, and I'm totally embarrassed that I've never even opened them! I've been using them stacked up as feature on my bathroom shelf (come on, admit it, we all do this). When shopping my stash, this particular one caught my eye so I decided that I had to feature it. So after finally getting round to taking the lid off this, I can confirm that it smells beautiful, and as my Soap & Glory Righteous Butter is nearly at the end of it's life, I'm looking forward to adding this into my post-shower routine.

Skin Pep Hydra Boot Serum

I'm a bit ashamed to say that I have literally no idea where I got this product from! I'm assuming that it must have come from a beauty subscription box but I can't tell you which one. One of my favourite things about beauty boxes is that you always get amazing skin care to try out that you wouldn't normally buy, and this is no different. I have decided that I'm going to integrate this into my evening skincare regime, and it's quite a generous sample size so hopefully I will have enough time to decide if I want to repurchase this or not.

TREsemme Renewal Hair and Scalp

This product came in a Glossybox at the end of last year, and I remember being totally underwhelmed with it at the time as I just don't find hair products exciting. This went onto a shelf in my bathroom to be forgotten about for months and months...until now. I'm going to make a real effort to take more care of my hair this year so this product will be ideal. You apply this to your scalp after you have washed your hair, comb it through and style as normal. This is my kind of hair product, one with minimal faff. My hair is in relatively good condition as I have never dyed it and wash it every other day, but I'm hoping that this will help with the overall health and look of my hair.

Overall, I think that I have found some pretty amazing unloved products and will definitely have the opportunity to mix up my hair and skin care regime without it costing me a single penny, always a bonus. I will be shopping my makeup stash very soon so make sure you come back for part 2 of my mini Shop your Stash series.

Have you got any unloved products that you need to dig out again? Have you tried any of the products mentioned in this post? Let me know in the comments.

Sam x



  1. That hot cloth cleaner by no.7 was my fav until I switched to coconut oil(yes, I know I am obsessed). The clean on me shower gel smells awesome too. Sanctuary I like only during winters 😝. Let me know what u think of the tressame

    1. Haha you are obsessed with coconut oil ;) I tried the Tresemme last night and it was really good. So refreshing on my scalp and my hair was really soft after I'd dried it. I'm not sure how much it retails for but if I continue to like it I'll re-buy it :)

  2. This is a brilliant idea!! I have so many products stashed away, think I'll have to have a rummage and see what goodies I can find xx

    1. It's such a good way to get it all out and used up isn't it? I bet you'll find loads of goodies. I'm shopping my make up stash next week, and my polish stash the week after :) xx
