Nail Collaboration: Part 4 - 1st Stamping Plate

It is the final week of mine and +Helen Clark's nail art collaboration and for our final prompt we decided to do a mani using our first ever stamping plates. Here is what I created using a plate from my first set of stamping plates.

I chose to use plate number 47 from the Pueen 24E Love Elements set which were my first stamping plates. I picked this plate because it's also one I've never used before and I love the selection of cute images on it.

To start with, I painted my nails using Revlon Parfumerie Lavender Soap which I bought quite recently so I've been itching to try it. It's a very light purple that has a pearl finish. I used 3 coats to get a good coverage.

After my nails were dry, I stamped the image at the bottom of the plate onto all nails apart from my little finger. I chose to stamp using Sinful Colors Snow Me White because I didn't want anything that would be too stark as I knew I would be stamping the little bird over the top. I used 2true Metallica Artemis for the bird which is my favourite purple stamping polish. I did have a bit of trouble getting the bird image to pick up properly but usually Pueen plates work perfectly so that was shame.

Here is the final mani. It was quite hard to capture it properly so that you can see all of the stamping, but it's more obvious in person. I must admit that I'm not too happy with these at all really. I struggled to get the bird image to pick up and the Lavender Soap polish was much paler than I expected it to be, but I'm not ruling out trying these again with different colours.

So that rounds up mine and Helen's blog collaboration so I hope you enjoyed reading our posts each week, and as always, don't forget to pop over and read Helen's post and show her some love.

Sam x



  1. I think they look fab! That bird is so cute :)
    Thank you so much for doing these with me, I've loved each week xx

    1. Thank you so much :) thank you too, I've loved doing it too xx

  2. The bird is so cute! I bought Revlon Lavender Soap and I put it on just before date night with my husband and halfway to dinner we had to stop at a drugstore so I could buy polish remover because the smell was so strong it was bothering both of didn't mention the smell so I'm curious what you thought?!

    1. Thank you :) I should have mentioned the smell actually because I found it awful! It smelt like furniture polish, so like you I removed it straight away! Not nice!
